I was noticing in my recording so far that it's actually really difficult to sing with yourself. I am really used to singing with other singers in a choral context, and when I do that, I am constantly making microscopic adjustments. I'm changing the pitch, the vowel, and rhythmic pulse. My fellow singers are also making these adjustments (ideally). It's all happening in real time. In in end, we work together to create a unified and corporate sound - sort of like a democracy.
But when you sing multiple parts yourself, none of that adjustment can happen in real time. So even though I think I'm singing a perfect interval, the reality is that my previous recording can't adjust to my current singing. It's static - not interacting with me at all. Agreements in tuning, vowel, and rhythm only work if everyone is willing to adjust and work together! (N.B. choral singers and conductors!)
So this experiment today is to see what happens when I attempt to share a pitch and vowel with myself, knowing that I will automatically fail. What, then, is the aesthetic and musical result of this failure?
Well, you can hear it below. I am curious to know your thoughts!