I was feeling SO excited for Abby doing this experience in Nepal, learning new things, exploring a new culture, and volunteering her time for people in need. We were talking about how it was like she was being lifted up like a bird to follow a dream she has. And then she played me a piece from Dharohar Project (which is amazing, by the way...you should check it out.)
So then I was also feeling connection to the Snow Patrol song "Run," which seemed to capture how I feel about Abby doing this. Then lastly, going on the bird theme, I remembered a great song by the Wailin' Jennys called "Bird Song."
Thus, a mashup was born!
This is the first time in the project that the music isn't completely original. I used the three tunes and imagined what it would be like to have them all happen at relatively the same time. So here's the result.